As an end-to-end tech agency, we have the full

stack of expertise to deliver advanced software.

From minimum viable

To most valuable

Product Design
We believe the core of every successful product or service is a remarkable user experience. We start every project by designing an intuitive user journey that’s rooted in deep user and industry research.
— UI/UX design— Branding and strategy— Component-driven design systems— High-fidelity prototyping— Illustration and graphic design— Motion design and animation— Behavioral psychology— Inclusive design and accessibility
Product Design Capability Asset
Web Development
Our full-stack engineers and designers work as a single unit to build best-in-class software and user experiences. We build with scalability, performance, reusability, and clean code in mind.
— Responsive and adaptive design— Front-end and back-end development— E-commerce solutions and integrations— Single-Page Applications (SPAs)— API design and development— Web performance optimization— Accessibility and internationalization— Emerging tech (web3, blockchain, Matrix protocol, Web Assembly)— Backend development and API integration— Software architecture
Web Development Capability Asset
Mobile Development
Our dedicated team of mobile developers leverages the latest technologies to deliver intuitive, scalable, and secure apps for both Android and iOS platforms. We create seamless mobile user experiences through innovative design and robust functionality.
— Mobile app development (iOS and Android)— Evolving tech (wearables, voice, on-device AI models)— Native and cross-platform solutions— Integration with existing enterprise systems— Mobile analytics and user engagement— Security and data protection— AR/VR mobile experiences— Internet of Things (IoT) mobile integration
Mobile Development Capability Asset
AI and Machine Learning
We take software to the next-level with leading-edge artificial intelligence and data science. From predictive analytics to natural language processing.
— Data lakes and data warehousing— Natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, speech recognition— Generative AI systems— Predictive analytics and forecasting— Knowledge graphs and ontologies— Automated data extraction and analysis— Intelligent chatbots and assistants— Expert and recommendation systems
AI and Machine Learning Capability Asset
Our approach is to deploy using containers and close-to-metal servers, enabling you to scale to millions of users. We strike a fine balance, often reducing cloud costs while finding ways to improve performance. Working closely with our client-partners, our projects have historically delivered above 99.9% uptime.
— Infrastructure automation— Site reliability engineering (SRE)— Cloud cost reduction and optimization— Load testing and balancing— Performance and optimization— Monitoring, logging, and alerting— Secure backup and recovery— Microservices & serverless architectures
DevOps Capability Asset
From start to finish, we integrate tight security processes and standards. We architect systems to have monitoring and guardrails to detect vulnerabilities and avoid breaches.
— Security assessments / audits— Cloud and network security— Secure coding practices— Real-time threat detection— Identity and access management— Data privacy and compliance — OWASP standards
Cybersecurity Capability Asset

We master an intentionally extensive tech stack so

that we can offer our clients the best combination

of technologies. All tailored to your requirements.

Tech stack

WebJavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, Java, HTML5/CSS3, React, Next.js, Vue.js, Node.js, Nuxt.js, Express, Angular, Svelte
iOSSwift, SwiftUI, Flutter, Metal, Core ML, XCTest, VIPER, Xcode Server
AndroidKotlin, Flutter, Jetpack Compose, Coroutines, JUnit, Mockito, Espresso
Data StorageNeo4j, GraphDB, BigQuery, Apache Cassandra, Aleph, Couchbase, Snowflake, Elasticsearch, FAISS, In Memory, Milvus, OpenSearch, Pinecone, Weaviate
Location ServicesHERE Maps, Mapbox, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Overture Maps
GraphicsUnity 3D, WebGL, D3.js, NetworkX, GSAP
EcommerceShopify, PrestaShop, Medusa, Magento, Trailblaze (our in-house solution)
TestingCypress, Jest, Mocha.js, Puppeteer, Selenium, WebdriverIO
CMSWordPress,, Django, Flask, Drupal, Contentful, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
AreasNatural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Speech, Prediction and Planning, Expert Systems, Knowledge Graphs, Automated Data Extraction and Analysis, Business Analysis
UtilitiesTensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn
Data VisGoogle Data Studio, NetworkX, Tableau, PowerBI, Flourish, DataWrapper, Cosmograph
OrchestrationLangchain, Llama Index, Airflow, Langflow
Data StorageNeo4j, GraphDB, BigQuery, Apache Cassandra, Aleph, Couchbase, Snowflake, Elasticsearch, FAISS, In Memory, Milvus, OpenSearch, Pinecone, Weaviate
Models and ProvidersOpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, Meta Llama, Google Bard, Anthropic Claude, Cohere, Hugging Face, AI21, BLOOM, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Whisper, AssemblyAI, Replicate
DevOps and Cybersecurity
PlatformsGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Linode, Vercel, Heroku, Netlify, Cloudflare
InfrastructureDocker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Helm, Ansible, Envoy, Pulumi, Chef, Puppet, Istio, Linkerd
GCPCompute Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, Firebase, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Big Query, Cloud Storage, Google Maps
AWSEC2, S3, CloudFront, EKS, Lambda, RDS, SNS, EKS, DynamoDB, Fargate
MonitoringPrometheus, Grafana, Jaeger, OpenTelemetry, Kali, Nagios, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Cloudflare
SystemsDesign Systems, Atomic Design, Responsive Design, Human Interface Guidelines, Material Design, Carbon
UI/UX DesignFigma, Illustrator, Photoshop, XD, Balsamiq
AnimationAfter Effects, Lottie, Final Cut Pro
PrinciplesVisibility, constraints, accessibility, affordance, feedback, consistency, scalability
Visual TheoryMathematical color theory, visual and type hierarchy, golden ratio, unity and balance, Gestalt principle, zigzag and F-pattern
Behavioral PsychologyChoice architecture, reciprocity, commitment, social proof, authority, scarcity, halo effect, anchoring and priming, gamification

For mission-critical builds, we know there are no surprises when we work with our partners.

Official partners

Handpicked for excellenceWe collaborate with only the best tech partners, only making our collaboration official when we’ve already used their tools for many years. We’ve built extensive projects with these partners, and we do that before deciding to specialize in their platform and collaborating with them to improve their products.
Tailored to your needsWe only recommend a partner if they’re a good fit for your needs. Because so many providers just ignore tech support requests, it helps to work with vetted teams we can trust to be in constant communication. You don’t need to use our partner if something works better! We only care about what suits your costs, requirements and timeline best.
Insider access to direct supportWe’re positioned to give you the best training, support and guidance when it comes to our partners. We’ll only recommend a partner if they’re really the best fit for you. We act as a line of direct communication for you, especially in APAC.
Get the most powerful, scalable RDF Database for Semantic Knowledge Graphs. GraphDB allows you to link diverse data, index it for semantic search and enrich it via text analysis to build big knowledge graphs. Unlock the full potential of your data with GraphDB
Hasura makes data access easy, by instantly composing a GraphQL API that is backed by databases and services. The nature of GraphQL itself and Hasura’s dynamic approach makes integration and iteration easy. Experience the simplicity of data access with Hasura
HERE Maps is a PaaS for building, deploying and scaling location solutions. Armed with critical location data and technology tools, they’re developing solutions that solve the biggest challenges in mapping today. Explore the power of location with HERE Maps